Eastchem (NL) Inc.
1288 Kenmount Road
Paradise, NL A1L 1N3

Supplier of pots, inserts, water soluble fertilizer, pest control products, to the greenhouse, turf, nursery and specialty horticulture industries.
Pickseed is the global leader in the development, production and distribution of turfgrass and forage crop seed.

Supply of Products for
Lawn & Garden
Turf Growers
Golf Courses
Lesco is the unparalleled market leader providing the commercial lawn care, turf, and golf industries with premium spreaders for fertilizer, seed, topdressing, and ice melt.

PRO-MIX growing media are enhanced with high-performance active ingredients and are considered a reference in the market.
ProMix BX 3.8 cu.ft.
For more than 75 years Plant Products has been a full service supplier of fertilizer, pest control products, to the greenhouse, turf, nursery and specialty horticulture industries.
Plant-Prod is pleased to announce a new addition to the Plant-Prod MJ product line, designed specifically for the cannabis industry.
Mixes 43 mL/L
Fiesta® Lawn Weed Killer is a selective, broadleaf weed killer that uses a specially formulated iron chelate solution. Fiesta® works quickly, delivering visible same-day results, even in cool weather.
Fiesta 4L
​Lawn Maintenance

Seed at the rate appropriate for your turf grass. Excessive seeding results in grass seedlings competing with each other for the soil's nutrients, which slows down your establishment time.
Over Seeding
Over-seeding improves the density of turf;
establishes improved grass varieties.
Overseeding newer turfgrass varieties into an older lawn can help it better withstand insects, disease, drought, shady conditions and heavy traffic.
Perfection Mix
Perfection Mix is an ideal seed for home and industry lawns and will produce a turf of medium to high density with an attractive, deep color.
Excellent for over-seeding
mid to high quality lawns.
Perfection is Endophyte enhanced,
which enables the seed to withstand extreme heat and drought better,
and resist certain insects and fungal diseases.
Coverage 4000ft²

Lime Is most often applied in the Sping and Fall. Apply the correct amount of lime to your soil to correct the pH. For example, those with an existing soil pH of 5.6 to 6.0 should apply 50 pounds of limestone per 1,000 square feet.
​When pH strays too far in either direction, even plentiful nutrients are restricted. Lime restores balance in overly acidic soil to bring pH back to optimal growing levels.
​The presence of lawn moss signals your soil pH has become too low for strong, healthy grass growth. Other warning signs include increases in common lawn weeds, diseases and insect pests. Many weeds prefer acidic soil, and low soil pH can inhibit the effectiveness of some herbicides and insecticides. Lawns in regions with heavy rainfall tend to need lime regularly.
​Lime 25kg
​Coverage: 1200 ft²
Fertilizers high in phosphorous or starter fertilizers help seedlings develop strong root systems. Using a fertilizer high in nitrogen at the time of seeding may result in burnt seeds. You can use a starter fertilizer with an N-P-K amount of 12-24-24 at a rate of 15 pounds per 1,000 square feet.
15-15-15 2fte 25kg
For Nursery Sods / Spring Fertilizer
Coverage: 4000 ft²
25-4-10 (40%SCU) 25kg
Summer Fertilizer
Coverage: 5000 ft²
5-10-30 25kg
Fall Fertilizer
Coverage: 4000 ft²